Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dating Sites Are Not For Nerds

I was going to title this blog, "Normal girls are boring", but then I thought it might offend some normal girls so I didn't type that.

So, I'm on one of those BIG dating sites because, well, I figure this is LOS ANGELES and there are around TEN MILLION people in this area, and so even on a "normal person" dating site, there'd have to be some geek girls, right? Well, yes, there are. I'd say about three. 

Unfortunately, all three of them apparently found dates because they don't answer my messages. That's the only possible reason of course because if they saw how perfect I was for them they would of course answer my message right away and probably do a small dance around their swivel chair in their nerdy room while wearing their Harry Potter pajamas. But, alas, there was no dancing today. Or last week. Or last month.

Apparently, this world is full of terribly normal people. Now look, I don't hate normal people, I love them. But there's just way too damn many of them. We need some more variety. I'm going to give you a sample of some profiles from my big unnamed-in-this-blog dating site:

I love riding my bike on the weekends, going to the beach, going to the farmer's market, entertaining friends, going dancing, reading, exercising, music, going out for drinks/dinner 
I am down to earth. Love to travel when possible. A huge baseball fan. Love my NY Yankees. 
 I enjoy socializing and I love working out – and am an avid yoga student, hike in Runyon Canyon, and love a Saturday morning bike ride in Santa Monica (farmer’s market anyone?).
im open fun ouitgoing just looking to see whats out there and and have fun. i love to fish and be doing things. im a low maintiance girl. i love to eat try to new food really alot of fun. i also love amuzements parks!!!
 I enjoy a good conversation about as much as I enjoy cuddling on the couch watching a movie, or a good tv show. My favorite things to do can revolve around the beach: reading a book, taking a nap, swimming in the ocean, and just watching the ocean
Imagine reading about a hundred of these types of profiles a day and you'll probably do what I do: break down into a crying heap on top of your Harry Potter pajamas. If only I loved the farmers market and the beach I'd be everyone's perfect match. (Except maybe that Yankees girl.) 

So, sometimes I get optimistic and search for key terms like "anime". That gets me about a dozen results. All of them are 18 years old. Once, I went crazy and typed in "LARP." 0 results. After that I couldn't use my computer for a day.

Well, I paid for three months membership on the site. Two months down, one to go. Maybe my geek girl will sign up before my last 30 days? Anyway, if you don't see me online in the next week or so, just look for me at the farmer's market.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fishing Facebook for Femme Fatale Fangirls

I have to admit it, I'm a sucker for cosplay girls. If I see a pretty girl in a nice dress, yes, that's nice. But if I see a pretty girl dressed like SUPERWOMAN, that's when I get those shivers down my spine. (For some reason, goth girls have the same effect on me, but that's not the point...)

So lately there's this crazy trend for people to create "Cosplay" accounts on Facebook. Have you seen this? They use their fan name and add Cosplay as the last name. Like, I don't know... "Sparkly Twinkletoes Cosplay." I guess when cosplay is that important, you need an entire second account to manage all of it! (Should cosplay be that important? Don't ask me: see your therapist.)

So, I just have to say, It's totally not my fault that Facebook keeps suggesting all of these cute cosplay girls as my friends. I mean, Facebook must know something. How can I go against the will of the almighty Zuckerberg? So, I send them a request with a nice message. These are the usual results:

1) They ignore it

2) They add me because they are collecting cute fanboys

3) They add me and never, ever talk to me

4) They ignore it

Last night a Batman fangirl added me. I posted something on her wall and got an immediate post back on my wall. I must share this with you.

Now, I like sassy girls. But I have to wonder if all the attention she gets goes to her head? Hey, at least she added me to her fanboy collection! (Should I be disappointed that she said "your" instead of "you're"?) Little does she know I'm about to be a famous movie star when Broken Spirits comes out this winter! Ha! (Ok, that was a little sad.)

Speaking of sad, I'm still quite morose that that blonde Supergirl cosplayer in Florida never added me. Oh well. Maybe next time.

So, what do you think? Will I actually be able to meet a wonderful, single fan girl on Facebook? Or should I just give up on this idea and try other things that also are failing miserably for me? Let me know, my two blog subscribers. Let me know.