Sunday, September 18, 2011

DragonCon Romance! a.k.a. Practice at Being Shot Down

All right, fine, I admit it. I really want one of those beautiful cosplay girls that everyone stops to take pictures of. Why shouldn't I? I mean, then I could cosplay with them and we could even have beautiful cosplay babies! (Note: Steve does not actually want to have babies.)

So, I went to DragonCon this year, for the first time in 4 years. I was broke, as usual, but hey, I'd already bought the ticket so my destiny was set! On Friday I dressed as a samurai, and had fun walking around the con. I did meet some nice girls wearing some Japanese outfits, and even a beautiful single mom named Karen. Hey that's right I got a picture with them. I'll post it if I don't look like an idiot.

Yay! It's Blurry! But Karen is pretty!
I actually liked Karen, you know, if I had a way to steal her and her kid (kids?) from Georgia I might have. But I suppose that wasn't to be. Well, Saturday came along, and I dressed as Nightwing. I went to a really big DC Universe photoshoot and there were a lot of gorgeous super hero women there. One of the prettiest ones was constantly mobbed by photographers. I tried to talk to her.

Me: "Hi, I..."
Guy comes up for picture and she poses.
Me: "My name's..."
Five other guys start taking pictures.
Me: "I really like your..."
She changes poses, ten more guys with cameras show up.
Me: "Ok, well, see you on facebook!"

And this was after the official shoot! I did actually get her facebook. But you know how THAT goes from my previous blog -- she has never talked to me. I'll just be shelved in the fanboy collection.

Speaking of being shelved, I met a girl who is perfect for me on (unnamed dating site) yesterday! I messaged her of course, and she got back online today! And.....didn't answer me at all. Here's stuff from her profile.

 I enjoy in random order: books (the real actual paper kind), rock/alternative music, food, reading, jokes, fantasy, dragons, Japanese anime, watermelon, NPR, strategy games, A Game of Thrones, 12 Stones, Staind, Lord of the Rings, The Name of the Wind, running, delicious noodles, Memento, Count of Monte Cristo, science fiction, seafood, green, traveling in Asia, Thailand, Lakers, rain, numbers, perfectly round items, elephants, pandas, a breeze, Breaking Benjamin, The Hunger Games, The Exies, Linkin Park, family, action movies, Egypt Central, Hinder, Gandalf, hobbits, playing tennis

I mean, come on! I just read Name of the Wind, I love Count of Monte Cristo, sci fi, freakin Breaking Benjamin even!

So, I just totally ruined my chances by sending her this (but it should amuse you right?*):

"Oh come on! I'm reading Name of the Wind it's even in my profile! (Ok I finished it and the 2nd book by now) And I play tennis! 

What else do you want? Free cookies with every date? 

I can do that. ;)" 

Anyway, back to DragonCon. On Saturday I decided to ask every beautiful cosplay girl I found attractive (or any girl really, cosplay or no) if she was single or not. (I didn't say "taken!") 

So, over the next few hours I asked nine women. The result: nine out of nine were not single. 

After I got to nine I was so depressed that I stopped asking. Until Sunday. Sunday I was piratey-ish. I don't know, I wore my sort of ren-fest dashing vest thing without sleeves. Anyway, so I went to the Pirate Party. I sat down next to a nice piratey lady who asked who my piratey persona was that evening. Since I didn't have one I quickly made one up and switched to my British accent. Well, this lady in red (Scarlet), utilized several eloquent vocabulary words in multiple sentences to clearly establish she wasn't interested in any piratey rogue such as myself. So I moved on. Wandering the party. 

Then I saw her. A beautiful also piratey-ish wench. I decided I'd keep my British accent and talk to her. (And I'd just like to add, people who deride my British accent, she said it took two minutes before she realized it wasn't real!) She smiled so much, and her eyes were so bright. I finally steeled myself to ask her the question. Single? Yes.

I was shocked. What? How can this be? Are you telling the truth? Yes, she said. And, after that, we spent the whole rest of the night together. She actually... enjoyed being with me. For me, it was the best night I had had in months. We talked, we walked, we had drinks with my friends, we wandered around and danced to people singing karaoke. Then, of course, reality came... she had to go home with her brother, I had to go back to my hotel room. I got her number. We texted the next day but weren't able to meet up. Then I flew away and was gone away from her... she also lives in Georgia.

Over the next few days we texted a good bit. She even called me once. About a week later, she just kind of stopped texting me. I remember I had told her I was going to kidnap her to L.A. She texted me once, "Still going to kidnap me?" Yes, I would have. I wonder if she will slowly disappear, like so many others? 

*Just to let you know, yes, I'm being very silly and sometimes over the top in the blog. But hey, it makes it more entertaining to read, right? 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

If Timing is Everything, I've Got Nothin'

Every once in a while you meet someone that is perfect for you. Someone amazing, that you'd get along with in every way. Someone beautiful, charming, with a smile and eyes that enchant you. And so far, with me, every one of those someones is already married.

Sure, you probably are wondering who these incredible ladies are but I certainly am not going to tell you here! Maybe if you privately message me I might give it away, but I'm not causing a commotion on the internet, oh no, not me, no sir, no way.

Some of them aren't married of course. They're just, you know, "taken." Oh, how I hate that word, taken. It makes them sound like they are an object, I think, but often the lady herself will use it. Taken. Not yours. Not now. Maybe not ever. (I'm not bitter, really.)

Recently there was a girl I had a huge crush on that was dating someone, and so I was very respectful and kept my distance and was just friendly. Apparently I kept my distance too much, because I found out a few weeks later that she had broken up and already had a new guy. Of course, they will probably last for years. I had a window, and didn't even know it. And this happens a lot with me. Timing. I'm always at the wrong time.

I propose that someone invent a "love watch" that goes off when it's the right time to meet someone, or call them. That would have saved me all those times, through all the years. I would also have designed it to tell me about those two girls I dated and fell for that were engaged to someone else and never told me. The watch would have said "WRONG TIME!" in big red flaming letters.

I saw a girl at DragonCon that I had met years ago at Animazement that I liked, but had a boyfriend at the time. I hadn't seen her for over five years. I asked her if she was single now, and she said, no, she just started dating a week ago, but before that had been single for five years. Do I have bad timing or what?

A "love watch" I found online. Not sure I like the "ice" part.
I told you about my experience on dating sites... I did get a date once with a girl on there I liked. She texted me the next day saying it was bad timing and she wasn't "emotionally available" right now. What does that even mean? Yes, I know usually my blogs on this site are more amusing and funny. This one is simply about how my timing and luck are incredibly horrendous.

You can at least take comfort that you're not me. Or, if you're one of those guys or girls who never asks anyone out because you're shy or afraid, let me tell you something: I still would rather have been turned down and dumped by a dozen girls than have never taken the chance. If you want love, you have to search for it, you have to work for it, you have to fight for it.

Note: I've been to DragonCon recently and have a blog just about that coming up! Also, another one is brewing in my head so stay tuned!