Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Why YOU Should Date Steve Racer!

So, a friend of mine who reads all these blogs said to me,

"You know Steve, I keep reading your blogs, and they are entertaining, but you really need to watch out that you don't come across as a #%#$@ whiner."

My response, "Um, uh, well I'm just trying to be honest."

Her, "Yeah. If you want anyone who reads this to actually like you, you have to give them some reason to. Tell them why they should date you."

Me, "You mean, I should make a list of how awesome I am?!"

Her, "..."

So, here you go, this is my blog about why you should date me. (Except you, Ashton Kutcher, please stop sending me those dirty texts.)

Steve Doesn't Do a Lot of Crappy Things That a Lot of Boys Do

I mean, this is a big reason right here. I talk to so many women all the time (who for some reason stay and put up with all this crap with their men) who elaborate on so many terrible things their boyfriends do. So, this is what I don't do:

* I don't yell, pretty much ever (except to be silly)
* I don't cheat (except at bingo)
* I don't manipulate or play games (except Dungeons and Dragons)
* I don't lie to you (except maybe about the size of your butt)
* I don't do mean things to hurt you (unless you're totally into that)

I've heard so many stories about guys who don't tell the truth, cheat, stare and drool at other women, and do things to make their girls feel bad to manipulate them. And women just accept this treatment! (Not all, but too many.) So, I'm here to say, I don't do that stuff. If you don't believe me you can a) try me, and b) talk to my close friends who know me.

Why Steve is a Good Boyfriend

I mean, you already know I'm into gaming, sci-fi, anime, cosplay, sword fighting, all that stuff. I'm a geek. So you get all that for free. But guess what ladies? I also do this stuff:

* Listen to you
* Remember what you say
* Buy or make special gifts and surprises
* Sing to you
* Have great personal hygiene! (I know, a man? )
* Compromise and work things out fairly
* Give a lot
* Explore your interests
* Am true to myself (I don't have a facade when you first meet me, I am who I am all the time.)
* Take care of my health
* Manly enough to rip phone books in half, while feminine enough to discuss different types of Hello Kitty
* Freakin' smart but not arrogant about it
* Affectionate (like a snuggly pet!)
* Experienced at quite a few different things

And there's a lot of other stuff that you'll just have to find out! And hey, the girl I met at DragonCon pretty much totally disappeared (as I predicted) so you should hurry in case she shows back up again! (Yeah, right. Take your time.)

Anyway, here's some other pictures of me, besides the main one in my profile.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I have changed a lot in the last couple of years.
