Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cross My Heart and Hope to Die

If you've seen Azumanga Daioh you know about how Sakaki tries to pet this sweet looking little gray cat she sees on the street going to school. And you know that every time she tries, it bites her viciously. But it doesn't warn her, or act vicious. No, it sucks her in, making her think, this time, this time, it will let me pet it. 
Sakaki loves cats

I'm not sure what reason women do this to me, but I have a feeling if I understood this gray cat, I'd understand women.

Ouch! That hurts!

I was at a random New Year's party last year when I met a beautiful bartender girl. She actually had tattoos on her that spoke about her faith, the same as mine. She talked to me a lot, seemed very interested, and gave me her number. We became facebook friends. She gave me her number. We talked. I was a little excited during the conversation, I interrupted her a couple of times. I called later and left a voice mail and apologized for interrupting. She never spoke to me again. Didn't answer texts, or facebook, or... anything. Just threw me away and I don't know why. 

I met another girl at karaoke I really liked. She sang like an angel. We knew each other for about six months, talking every week at karaoke. I got her number. We became facebook friends. We talked. Then, one day, she stopped returning my texts. And my facebook messages. And never talked to me again. 

Mild Heart Contusions

There was yet another girl who was a punk chick and competition gamer. Beautiful, and hey, a gamer! She said she liked this Halo shirt I had, so I told her I'd get her one. She told me she was coming to a convention I was also going to and she'd meet me in the gaming room on Saturday. I bought her a shirt. I waited around the gaming room for two hours. I kept checking it for her the whole rest of the convention. I got home, no message or anything from her. I messaged her and she said, "Oh, yeah. I didn't feel like going." Gee, thanks for telling me.

One day I met a nice fan girl on Facebook who was a friend of a friend. Well, she seemed nice. We talked a lot, and finally set a date, I was going to take her on a grand adventure, I had a big day planned. She never showed up. She didn't answer her phone or messages. The next day I messaged her asking why she hadn't contacted me. She told me that she had texted me (which I never got), and then, proceeded to block me on Facebook and never spoke to me again. 

I went on a date with a girl that worked at a restaurant. Later I visited her and we had a great time. She told me how she would love to learn English better, and also meet more American friends. That night I read to her out of a children's book and helped her learn some new words. I arranged a dinner party with a dozen of my friends to meet her. All my friends were waiting, the dinner was prepared -- and she was nowhere to be found. No phone, no nothing. Three days later I went to her work (I thought maybe she had been in an accident), and there she was, smiling cheerfully at me like nothing happened. She had some bizarre excuse for not coming. Then she invited me to Vegas with her and a friend the next week. Except that, once again, she never answered her phone and ended up going without me. 

Et tu, Fluffy?

These were girls I wanted to date, but even girls I have been just friends with have done this. 

A girl I met at a convention was having troubles; she had to move out of her place fast. Even though I had chronic fatigue at the time, I helped her pack and move all of her stuff, put it in my car, and moved it to a storage area. Then I let her crash at my place for two days while I found her a temporary place to live, at my friend's house. She then got a flight home to the east coast with plans to move back here later. So, how did she thank me for all of my efforts? She deleted me from Facebook and never spoke to me again. 

Just recently I saw a friend of mine pop up in my top friends that I hadn't spoken to in years. I realized I didn't know much about her life for a long time and so I messaged her and asked if we could talk, saying I'd like to know what she has been up to and who she is now. She was kind of evasive at first. I messaged her and she said she didn't know why I was trying to talk to her. And I said, well, I already told you, I haven't talked to you in five years (except for little FB comments) and I was wondering what you've been doing. But I guess she didn't want to talk to me. A week later, she deleted me from her friends. Obviously, wanting to be real life friends is grounds for deleting a friend on Facebook.

I Don't Get it, Obviously

If I only understood why this all happened. There's about twice as many stories like these, but I didn't want to make the world's longest blog about being stood up. I really don't know what I'm doing to cause this to happen. I actually was interested in a genuine relationship with these women (except the last two) and wasn't out to use them or have a one night stand or anything like that. I just wanted to be nice to the little gray cat, why does she keep biting me?


  1. Has anyone ever offered you advice on why this keeps happening? ..real, sincere advice?

    Is it possible someone did and you didn't want to/quite believe them?

    If the answers are 'no' I could shed some insight... but only if I'm not going to be wasting my time.

  2. Of course, I've had all kinds of advice, but most of it was inconclusive. Why would I not believe them? And, hey, it's the internet, isn't this where we come to waste time? :)

  3. Not that it's any consolation, but guys behave this way also. It's frustrating and confusing and just leaves me wondering, "Why?" but there is no answer. I don't understand why some people can't just say, "I am not interested in seeing you again." I always extend that courtesy to a guy if I am not interested. If I have the common decency (and guts) to do it, then so should they. Right? Yeah...not so much.
