Thursday, November 22, 2012

No One Ever Died of Loneliness

I often have deep thoughts in the shower. I suspect many do. Today's musings included thoughts about family, friends, and life, as well as wondering what we would be eating today if turkeys were better at flying. I also thought: you know, I have a lot of single friends. They probably get lonely like I do. In fact, they probably have the same kinds of feelings and experiences I do.

This led to a revelation: if you're alone today, you're not alone. 

So, all of you who read this: know that there are others who have the same experiences and feelings, and are having them right now. Somewhere, out there, someone is going to a Thanksgiving dinner with family and cousins and siblings who will be bringing their boyfriends and girlfriends and husbands and wives and wondering how long they will be the odd one out. Someone else is just sick and tired of having parents ask them when they can expect some grandchildren. And surely someone is completely disgusted at hearing, "You're a great person, I'm sure you'll find someone someday," for the thirty eight billion thousandth time.

The truth is, there's no guarantee there's someone out there for you. Hell, there's no guarantee you won't get hit by a bus tomorrow, or get a horrible wasting disease, or get exposed to gamma rays and develop mutant human strength and save the world from disaster. There's an important lesson here. Radiation is dangerous people, don't mess around with it.

But the other lesson is this: your life is more than whether you are single or not. I know; sometimes I have even felt as though I'm less than a full person, or there is something terribly wrong with me, or I'm a loser in life because I can't seem to find that other magical human to be with. I don't let those thoughts take hold, I shut them down immediately. You should too.

As I run off to be around friends I am thankful for today, I want to encourage you to, well, as cliche as it sounds: go for your dreams. You can be and do so many things, regardless of having someone you call a mate. Be it. Do it. Smile. You have so much, you have life, live it for all you've got. There's nothing wrong with you for being single, so many of us are with you.... you're not alone.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Date a Wolfman!

So, I decided that even though I was taking a break from the wild (and difficult, and painful) world of dating, I'd keep writing in my dating blog. I'm experimenting with a new idea: talking up my single friends. Why not?

In that spirit, I present to you Wolfman Dave.

You know, it's funny, I've known Dave for years and I never really found out why he's called Wolfman. I suppose, ladies, you'll have to find out for yourself.

Dave: part wolf, part ... ???
I met Dave through a series of random events. I happened to be walking around Old Town Pasadena with a friend when we passed a Body Shop. I wanted to get some cool soap or something so I went in and met a girl wearing a Full Metal Alchemist necklace working there, Liz. Of course we became friends and then she invited me to see Iron Man with a bunch of her friends. Outside in the parking lot while we were waiting, there was this red haired guy drawing awesome looking stuff in a sketchbook, who turned out to be Dave.

Dave and I hit it off immediately, but that's easy for him: this guy is funny. Not only is he very witty, but he's incredibly talented. The guy can not only draw, but write, sing, and act. I asked him to draw my web comic, The Great Space Race, and he did! 

Dave's and my love child
He's also a great guy to have around in a pinch. He's worked at hospital many years and knows how to transport injured people. Not only that, but he does it properly. This man carried me to my car when I hurt my back shooting my Robotech fan video. And my car wasn't that close either!

It goes without saying he's a big nerd like me. Marvel and Transformers are two things he likes a lot. He invents his own super heroes and sometimes wears a kilt. Big into sci-fi and literature. He's intellectual and cultured at times... and definitely mischievous. He works hard, he writes a lot, he is close to his family. Dave lives near Glendale, owns a car, and is even semi-responsible! Moderately house trained!

Anyway, I really like this guy. Maybe you will too. Or know a girl who might! He's graciously allowed me to link to his Facebook account here, so you can be his friend.