Tuesday, September 13, 2011

If Timing is Everything, I've Got Nothin'

Every once in a while you meet someone that is perfect for you. Someone amazing, that you'd get along with in every way. Someone beautiful, charming, with a smile and eyes that enchant you. And so far, with me, every one of those someones is already married.

Sure, you probably are wondering who these incredible ladies are but I certainly am not going to tell you here! Maybe if you privately message me I might give it away, but I'm not causing a commotion on the internet, oh no, not me, no sir, no way.

Some of them aren't married of course. They're just, you know, "taken." Oh, how I hate that word, taken. It makes them sound like they are an object, I think, but often the lady herself will use it. Taken. Not yours. Not now. Maybe not ever. (I'm not bitter, really.)

Recently there was a girl I had a huge crush on that was dating someone, and so I was very respectful and kept my distance and was just friendly. Apparently I kept my distance too much, because I found out a few weeks later that she had broken up and already had a new guy. Of course, they will probably last for years. I had a window, and didn't even know it. And this happens a lot with me. Timing. I'm always at the wrong time.

I propose that someone invent a "love watch" that goes off when it's the right time to meet someone, or call them. That would have saved me all those times, through all the years. I would also have designed it to tell me about those two girls I dated and fell for that were engaged to someone else and never told me. The watch would have said "WRONG TIME!" in big red flaming letters.

I saw a girl at DragonCon that I had met years ago at Animazement that I liked, but had a boyfriend at the time. I hadn't seen her for over five years. I asked her if she was single now, and she said, no, she just started dating a week ago, but before that had been single for five years. Do I have bad timing or what?

A "love watch" I found online. Not sure I like the "ice" part.
I told you about my experience on dating sites... I did get a date once with a girl on there I liked. She texted me the next day saying it was bad timing and she wasn't "emotionally available" right now. What does that even mean? Yes, I know usually my blogs on this site are more amusing and funny. This one is simply about how my timing and luck are incredibly horrendous.

You can at least take comfort that you're not me. Or, if you're one of those guys or girls who never asks anyone out because you're shy or afraid, let me tell you something: I still would rather have been turned down and dumped by a dozen girls than have never taken the chance. If you want love, you have to search for it, you have to work for it, you have to fight for it.

Note: I've been to DragonCon recently and have a blog just about that coming up! Also, another one is brewing in my head so stay tuned!


  1. I have the same problem with guys, always in the wrong place at the wrong time, or we go out once and they are never heard from again. I don't know if they got sucked into a giant first date worm hole or what. I totaly agree with the working for it, it does have to be a two way fight though, kind of hard to just on one side

  2. Steve, I just met you, yet already I can tell you are a very, very, very cool guy!

    So, from one geek to another, who has also been through full metal dating, I'd like to share some good vibes with you. I don't think it's about timing at all. It's about compatibility and the power of love (yes, the cheesiness is real, love is power! lol).

    Once, I too was tired of being an underrated nerd in Cupid's eyes. And I actually met a wonderful girl who I thought would be perfect for me, and like with you, was also "taken". I was respectful and gentlemanly like yourself. But this girl, she made me change things. For once, I would not let the "bad timing" defeat me! I worked hard to show her how much I cared about her, and then lo and behold, she stopped being "taken" only to run into my arms to be with me for what I thought would be a dream come true. A spit in Cupid's face. Or a rebellion against timing.

    But you see... alas.. fixing the timing did not make it be the right thing. We thought we were very compatible, mind you, but we just weren't meant to be. Instead, the relationship (which I thought had been well-timed lol) didn't work out... and the girl went right back to her previous "taken" companion. Why? Because they were indeed compatible.

    On the other hand (and here's where the successful love story comes in)... When I met my current fellow geek love, the timing wasn't right for me at all. In fact, I may not have even pursued a relationship with her because the timing was off. But the sparks were just too powerful, the chemistry too great, and the love (yep!) was too stubborn. Timing or no timing, some things just feel meant to be. Our compatibility is different, and that makes for very interesting ways to complement each other, which goes right back to making us compatible! Hehe. It turns out, we had been attending the same geek conventions for a while before we met. And I bet we could've met during any of those times, and the story would still end the same. We would be together.

    So, I don't believe in timing. Your harajuku princess will come, and odds are... she'll find YOU (while you're wasting your time being too worried about timing :P). Relax, cultivate those relationships with friends and family and positive energy around you (you seem like the kind of bloke that does that anyway, so there you go) and the love watch won't go off, but the love meter will definitely ring an alarm.

    I believe in one of your quotes, but I'd like to add a little something too: "If you want love, you have to search for it, you have to work for it, you have to fight for it." ... But sometimes you're just meant to be surprised and enjoy life with that one love that nicked you in the butt while you weren't looking! ;)

    You'll see, the one that is for you will come into your life and blast your senses, rock your world! Keep up the good spirits and good luck in your adventures on full metal dating!


    Your friend, and fellow nerd,

    p.s. If the idea of a Love Watch still drives you crazy, I suggest you analyze the movie "Timer" ... It's excellent! <3 http://www.timerthemovie.com/

  3. do you believe in fate? or maybe the illusion of coincidences? I think that when ever I have dating mishaps, or meet some I like and their not available, I just think to myself, that it simply wasnt meant to be. Everything in life happens for a reason. I think that love and relationships can work or they don’t. fate has a funny way of telling us that a match isn’t right, or that a person was a psycho anyway. The day you meet a girl who is single, or just broke up and is “perfect in every way” then maybe it’s a right match. (I don’t believe theirs such a thing as “perfect” … anyway) but when the time is right, and fate is smiling; then it will happen. until then have fun, be patient, and keep your mind and heart open.
