Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Don't ask her favorite color!

I know, about two months ago I told you that I was going to take a break from dating for a while. And so I did. But then I met a girl at a convention (I know, I know) that really seemed to stand out to me.

Yes, I know I'm an idiot... for some reason, when I saw this lady, I'll call her Lady Gray (Ever played Fable? ) she stood out, almost like there was a glow on her. We talked for a while at the con, had very similar interests. She seemed nice. So we had a date the next week.

This was actually a wonderful date, and we had quite a great time. Well, ok, I did, I'm not sure about her completely, but she seemed to anyway. Lady Gray is intelligent and has a sense of humor. She's a bit of a cynic like me, and even thinks like me in a lot of ways. She's had an unusual past, but so have I, and I felt I understood her.

Apparently, I was very wrong.

Lady Gray from Fable

After I dropped her off on the way home I sent her a text joking about our time we had that night. I texted her the next day asking about her schedule, wanting to see her again. She wasn't sure and would get back to me. She said she hadn't slept too well so I told her not to worry and get some rest.

You see, Lady Gray was very interesting to me, I wanted to learn more about her. Her likes, dislikes, how she thinks, what she knows. I didn't message her for a day or so since she had said she was tired. Then I decided to just say hi, see how she was, ask her a couple things. I really was thinking of her since the date, wanting to know her better.

I suppose I'm very interested in people; how they think, how the world looks to them. It may seem trivial to some people, but I wanted to know about her growing up, her thoughts, even her favorite color. People are fascinating. Apparently, however, this was the wrong thing to ask.

Today I was told by her (over text) that my occasional lighthearted texts and questions were perceived as childish pleas for attention, vapid with no real meaning (yes, I'm being redundant), and finally... obnoxious. Now, it's not like I was flooding her with texts. Perhaps 5 or 6 a day on the days I'd send any at all.*

Lady Gray is a scary undead in Fable 2. You can marry her, also.
I understand that people see texts in different ways, and use them differently. I also know that people communicate in different ways. I can even see how my messages could be interpreted that way; however that's not anything near what I was actually doing. Maybe I'm sentimental, but when I thought of her favorite color, it reminded me of her. Also, I like to buy/make people gifts. If I know their preferences, I can do that better. Of course, I wasn't expecting to shower Lady Gray with gifts after one date, but it's still nice to know for the future.

To me, someone's favorite color has meaning. It's special to them -- at least, that's why you call it a favorite, I assume. It also does say something about them in a visceral way, I believe. Perhaps I made the mistake of starting to care for Lady Gray after just one date and our talk at the convention. But, I did, somehow. I had this feeling she was special. Ah, if only I was a Vulcan and only relied on logic. Of course the Pon Farr might be a pain...

I suppose I don't like having my maturity questioned; I feel like quite a capable adult. I put work before play and set high goals in reality, not fantasy. But when I have fun, sometimes I have fun like a child. After all, they are the best at having fun, don't you think? I can enjoy a good talk on Stephen Hawking and string theory or a water balloon fight in the back yard just as equally.

Of course, it's best to learn now that my playfulness and curiosity are perceived as obnoxious by Lady Gray and she can happily go her way thinking I am those things; I can only hope that others won't see it that way because frankly -- I love being who I am.

*Note, these texts were part of an actual conversation not me just sending texts over with no reply.

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