Monday, August 20, 2012

Go, Speed Dater, Go! (Nowhere.)

So, I figured I must be looking in the wrong places. Geek dating sites are coming up empty, even normal people dating sites don't work (as you probably didn't read in my previous blog.) I started looking for geeky groups on Meetup, and then just any groups on Meetup that I have interest in. It was there I found... a Speed Dating group.

I'm sorry, blame Google images.
Not only did I sign up, but I paid good money to go to an event. This was a colossal mistake on my part.

This is not to say there was anything bad about the women there. They were great. They were also very, very... normal. I don't even mean this in a bad way except that they served to accentuate how incredibly not normal and/or mainstream that I am. I show up with my blue hair to a bunch of middle class businesswomen who like going to the beach, and I feel something is wrong. Not only that, but there was a cute Asian lady that showed up that I actually was looking forward to talking to. Yeah. She left the event before it started. Apparently, she took one look at us "eligible males" and hightailed it right out of there. (I guess she won't get her money back.)

Now I do have to mention that the guys there were a bit scary. One guy was obviously 50+ even though the event was supposed to be 30-40. Since I've mostly dated women in their 20's lately I thought maybe this would work out... but it's like I suspected. What women in their 30's in a career spend time playing anime and video games? I mean, I have a job and stuff too, really! But when I come home I'm a nerd. These women come home and... I'm not even sure. What do normal people do? Watch TV? Crochet?

Zim. Sort of.
Anyway, I did put a "Yes" for a nice doctor lady who just moved here and wants to make new friends. However, I think she put "No" for me. I feel a bit like a loser.

So, I have no idea where to look. If I go look at church, the girls there are, well, also normal. Don't get me wrong, some of them are gorgeous and smart. I just need a freak like me. Who is going to wake me up with anime and hot cocoa and talk about our plans to take over the world and make the next Lord of the Rings?

Cons are usually a failure. In fact that's where most of my disasters have happened. Even through friends and facebook, nothing working there. I'm being practical about this in a way; mathematically if I extend my search more broadly, I'll have a larger sample. Or something like that. You know, the shotgun approach.

Every day I see friends on facebook post about their relationships...

Gazing at people, some hand in hand, Just what I'm going through they can't understand.

Look, all I need is one amazing, energetic, faithful, nerdy, creative woman to love me like gangbusters, how hard is that, right? :)


  1. Honestly, you sound like my perfect man, lol. The same problems you have are the ones I have.

    1. Well then. Hi! I don't recognize you, do I know you?

  2. You know man. We are very much in the same boat.

  3. Geek Sexism


    Guys — especially geeky guys — tend to say that their idea of the perfect partner is a girl who is smart, independent, and interesting. Unfortunately, what they actually mean most of the time is that they want a girl who is “smart” as in pays more attention to his (self-inflated) intellectual abilities than his (lack of) physical prowess, “independent” as in can be ignored whenever he’s doing something else, and “interesting” as in is a total groupie for the things he thinks he’s good at.

    In my experience, when a geek guy wants me to be “into cars”, half the time what he really means is he wants me to drool over the “cool” exhaust pipes he shoehorned onto his mom’s Camry, not point out that they’re dumb because they actually rob the engine of power. He wants me to moon over him for being a “nice guy” and offering to change my oil, and feels “emasculated” when I break out the Haynes manual and change all the fluids myself.

    And it’s the same damn thing with biking and computers and tabletop gaming and every other “geek thing”. Way, way too many geek guys want girls who fangirl over them for their interests, not girls who are actually good at the same things. Basically, they’re just as much of sexist pigs as the stereotypical jocks they think they’re so much better than — and a whole lot more obnoxious about it with the friendzone bullshit.

    1. While I sympathize with your comment -- that's just not me. That's not anywhere near me. That's so far as to be on a different planet than me. And I don't think I'm better than jocks. I'm just different.

      Also, I prefer Chiltons. :P

      Actually, you seem pretty great... besides, you know, the extreme bitterness. :D
