Saturday, August 4, 2012

I need to marry Éowyn

I was talking with some new friends the other night, and one of the girls was talking about Chris Evans: how he just gave her tingles down her spine, she loved watching how he moved, his voice... everything. I replied that I want someone to feel like that about me. It only had to be one person, I didn't need any more than that; just one who loved the sound of my voice and was thrilled just to be near me. Another friend replied,

"Maybe there is someone who feels like that, and they never told you."

Wouldn't that be tragic and terrible? Of course, I suppose it might also be tragic and terrible as well if the feelings were not reciprocated. But at least she would know, either way. This is what got me thinking -- I need a woman who tells me how she feels. Eowyn (for the nerd challenged, she is from the Lord of the Rings books/movies) is just such a woman. You never are wondering how she feels.

Éowyn: I do not wish to play at riddles. Speak plainer!

Just last week I took a new female friend out for dinner. Not long into it she asked me what my intentions were, and told me she wasn't interested in dating. I suppose some people might feel unhappy about this revelation, but I was thrilled indeed. I knew exactly how she felt and I didn't have to guess. I'm going to quote my friend Celina from a recent blog comment:

Not that it's any consolation, but guys behave this way also. It's frustrating and confusing and just leaves me wondering, "Why?" but there is no answer. I don't understand why some people can't just say, "I am not interested in seeing you again." I always extend that courtesy to a guy if I am not interested. If I have the common decency (and guts) to do it, then so should they. Right? Yeah...not so much.
Eowyn doesn't mess around.
Éowyn: The women of this country learned long ago that those without swords may still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain.
I'm willing to fight for love... to face fear and pain. This woman feared nothing, she faced the Witch King on the field of battle:
But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Eowyn am I, Eomund’s daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.

If I love you, you will know it down to your bones and your soul. Everything about you will be loved... your beauty as well as your faults, and I will fight for you. I want someone to love me this way, but I also offer the same in return.  Eowyn lived her passion; she loved like this.

Another friend of mine was in love with someone at her church; he played guitar every Sunday, and she would watch him from the seats, adoring him. She loved his hair, his voice, his talents. She got to know everything she could about him, joined groups to be near him... but never, ever told him how she felt. She simply couldn't. Lucky for her, after about a year later, he finally realized that this wonderful woman wanted him, and they started dating and now they're married. I told her many times to tell him and she just said: I can't. 

Eowyn isn't real, but her courage and love are real qualities. If someone loves you and you don't feel the same, tell that person. If you love someone and they don't know -- tell them. You only live for so long on this earth, don't waste it. Love is too precious.

Perhaps tonight I'll dream of my Eowyn... whoever she may be.

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