Friday, July 27, 2012

A Tale of Two Nerd Girls

Why is Steve up at 9:30 in the morning? It's an odd combination of our loud sprinkler system that goes off at 8 am along with the fact that my mind has violently grabbed the reins of my body, insisting I must write things.

"Write, Steve, Write!" It says.

"Blerg, merfl," I respond groggily, trying desperately to hold the eloquent phrases my half asleep mind has conjured up before they float away in the mists of reality.

This is the story of two girls, who cried a river and... no, wait.

The Perfect Princess

All right, she wasn't perfect. I just like alliteration. I met a girl at a party recently. At first I was really impressed at her charm and intelligence. We talked, and in my offhand way of joking around, I think I may have put her off. I wandered around the party and eventually talked with her again. Suddenly she seemed nice again. Hmmm... maybe she didn't totally hate me. I found out a lot about this girl (I don't know why I prefer to say "girl" instead of "woman", I think it's because I still feel like a teenager at heart sometimes.)

Anyway, (I like that word, did you notice?) this princess was pretty, smart and seriously liked just about everything I do. She worked in computers and writing, does LARP, D&D, likes swords, does ballroom dancing, anime, reading (we even have many of the same favorite books) and well, just about everything else I like. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want or need someone who likes everything I do, that would be unrealistic and silly. However, I pictured us together reading, dancing, swordfighting, watching anime, trading witty barbs, and thoroughly enjoying ourselves. I thought, surely, she should have an interest in this idea. When I left the party, she seemed suddenly very nice, and gave me a look when I said goodbye filled with warmth and a light in her eyes. It seemed sincere.

I waited a day or so just to be patient and think about it, and then messaged her on a dating site I knew she was on. I didn't hear anything back, but maybe she just didn't log in there. I messaged her on facebook and added her. She added me as a friend, but never answered my message at either place. Hmm. I have no idea what to make of this. However, a couple days later I met someone else who has made me almost forget her.

The Pretty Pirate

Sometimes random things happen. Somehow I added someone on facebook that I thought maybe I'd met before but I didn't really care because she dressed up like a pirate and I'd like to be friends regardless. Strangely enough, she added me and talked with me. She mentioned she worked nearby and I said I should come visit sometime, and she said, "Come tomorrow!"

That's not the usual response I get from women I just met on the internet. It's usually more like the virtual equivalent of pepper spray and "Get away you stalker!" Well, of course, I went to see her. There are a few people in the world that, I feel, are truly alive inside; full of life and love and energy. This pirate girl is one of them. You could see it in her eyes and her smile and also the way she totally ran around being silly and not caring what people thought. If you know me, this describes my typical day on the town. So many times my friends just watch me being ridiculous, but don't join in*. Here, I had a "partner in crime**," as they say.

Now, this girl and I are by no means as similar as myself and the princess. However, (and I hope I'm right), pirate girl seems to be sweet and caring down to her bones, and that is more important and wonderful than just about anything else. As we walked around my bootlace broke, and she took it from me, tied it back together, knelt down and re-laced it for me without me even asking. This was simultaneously sweet and sexy.

Now, of course, like many geek girls, Pretty Pirate Girl she has many suitors. In just a few days talking with her, she has mentioned at least five other guys after her. In a way, of course, that is to be expected with a pretty pirate. However, it's a little uncomfortable when she talks about how they are in love with her and always telling her. She's friends with some of them also. That makes it interesting. I wonder if there's room for me in there? Will I have to fight them off? Will she realize that I'm worth more than ten average pirate boys! Ha ha! I'm feeling roguey!

Okay, maybe not that roguey.
So far, we've just met the once and I don't even know when I'll see her again. But hey, at least Pirate girl is talking to me! I suppose the Princess will just sit around in her castle.

Aw, man.

* Yes, I know Christina, you ran through the fountain and I didn't. I like being silly, just not wet and silly.
**No laws were actually broken by myself or her last Tuesday.

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