Wednesday, August 1, 2012

GQ says: Steve is the Ideal Man!

So, I just happened to read what I'm sure is an extremely rigorous and scientific survey from GQ magazine. It asked women what traits their "ideal man" has! Hmm. What if they lied? What if they really want "huge (censored)" but instead said, "good listener." 

Anyway, here's the link: GQ's Ideal Man
So, what is the ideal man? Survey says:
Google's "Ideal Man"

Survey findings – what makes a man close to ideal?
  • Honesty.
  • Kindness.
  • Intelligence.
  • Has a good sense of humour.
  • More likely to have blue eyes than brown.
  • Speaks at least two languages.
  • More important that he is romantic than good in bed.
  • Meat eaters are preferred to vegetarians.
  • Is a good listener.

I could insist how honest I am, but I suppose there's no way to prove that. But you remember that story about that ancient Greek dude who walked around with a lamp looking for an honest man? He put that sucker out when he found me. 

Also, I'm more likely to have blue eyes than brown. So far, every single day that I have woken up, my eyes have been blue, so I think I have good odds of continuing that trend. 

Ok, ok, I don't really speak two languages. But, my fellow nerds will appreciate that I can program in several computer languages. Yeah. Get that. Several. 

Also, I eat meat, so I've got that going for me. In fact, when I am eating meat, I can listen really well.

Survey findings – moderately important characteristics:
  • Drives a European car.
  • Wears a suit to work.
  • Has a degree.
  • Is clean shaven.

Well, thank God these are only moderately important. I don't know that I'll ever drive a European car, but my boring tan Chevy is amazing. I have a great job teaching college where I can have blue hair at work. I don't think that's on this list. Nope. No blue hair. Anyway, I have two whole degrees. No, really, I'm serious. And I'm clean shaven... on those days that I actually shave in the morning! 

Some women have... different standards.
So, instead of rambling on, I'm going to ask... what do YOU think is the ideal man? 


  1. One very important quality- he has to like me. It shows he has good taste. ;)

  2. I've been enjoying reading your blog. A lot of it is ringing true for me too. I do kind of have a list that's come up as I've dated and found out what's important to me:

    Christian - that they actually believe, and live like it
    Kind - not a bad temper
    Job - if they don't have one, that they're interested in getting one, not just living off their parents
    Smart - that they like to read, or at least understand that I do, and I feel like they can keep up with me in conversation (or surpass me, that's fine too)
    Likes to talk - also comfortable silences are good too, but that comes with time. I'd just like to hear about their lives as well, not just talk about mine all the time.
    I hope that helps.

    1. Is it kind of sad that you have to mention that they should actually have a job? I mean, if you're unemployed and looking, that's different than living off the parents indefinitely.

    2. Exactly - I understand unemployment. It happens, especially in this economy. But I dated a guy a few years ago whose mother hadn't retired yet because she was supporting him (he'd lost his job). I asked him "What are you doing during the day? Filling out job applications? Going out to look for work?" and he said "No, mostly playing video games." So now a desire for a job is in my list.

    3. So, I know you are one of my FFC people but, which one are you again? Hard to keep track with usernames. :)

    4. Oops, sorry. I'm Amy Otto - I go to Dragon Con. I'm friends with you on Facebook.

  3. My ideal man must be:
    Kind - to everyone and at all times (this includes being kind to me, his friends, family, colleagues and complete strangers...especially waitstaff and people in any kind of service capacity)
    Easy Going - too many men my age are so stubborn and stuck in their ways. I am seriously considering dating younger men for this very reason.
    Passionate - about something, about anything. Wake up each day with energy and excitement about your job, your hobbies, etc.
    Not bald -- sorry, but I am not attracted to bald men. Never have been, never will be.
