Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hello? Is this thing on?

So, I've been out there, meeting people, and I've been looking online. And I'm happy to say that the results of all my recent searching and efforts is... nothing.

This sign is not really here.
At this point, I imagine many might wonder if they are doing something wrong. That would include me. I'm pretty discouraged. You'd think that there'd be a nice lady out there who wouldn't mind a guy like me who wants to be nice to her and make her happy. I can't seem to find takers for this proposition... I think it may be that they think I'm someone that I'm really not. Maybe they don't trust easily. However, they could at least go on one date to find out more of what I'm like. It's the same song as always. I Gave You My Number and/or Facebook But I Won't Really Ever Respond To You, by The Girls. Terrible title really.

The rest of the album isn't so bad.
I really don't even want to try any more right now. This is the cue for all the people to say, "Oh, you only ever really find someone when you're not trying." Except I wasn't trying for about three years, a while back, and there was pretty much nothing then, too. So really, there's pretty much nothing to say, at least in terms of what's going on in Steve's dating life.

So, even though I have nothing to say right now, I've got some ideas for some future blogs you might like. I'm going to talk about my dream life that I'd want someone to share with me. Also, I'm going to DragonCon again, but if you read my blog from last year (DragonCon romance, aka Practice at Being Shot Down) then you can guess I'm not so excited about that one either. Besides having fun at the con, of course, I still manage to do that. So, stay tuned, for dreams and flying machines...

P.S. In my web search for absolutely nothing I found a pretty keen website about nothing. It's!  
Here's a quote from the main page:

We believe in nothing, and we think you should too. We have our workers doing nothing around the clock, finding new ways to package nothing, new problems to confront (in our big 32 page manual which is offered free with every purchase), or doing literally nothing just to waste time. 

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