Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Is it all right to dream about you?

You see, I still remember when we first met. I never expected that we'd even talk as much as we did. I thought you wouldn't really be interested in me; and I suppose you weren't. At least, not in the way I hoped. But I still can see your face, your smile. Being around you, even then, made me feel more alive. 

I don't know what has happened to the world. Perhaps I simply was born in the wrong time. In older days, a man could write love poems to a woman he just met and it would cause her heart to race with excitement. Today it is seen as a weakness, or a sickness, or as they say... creepy.

I couldn't bear for you to think of me in that way. But I did dream of you. Even saying that in this day and age can sound improper; I assure you, lady, my dream was chaste. It was a simple dream, a simple thing that happened. I looked into your eyes, I held you, I felt the softness of your hair and was comforted and it seemed you were as well. 

No, I wouldn't move the world or sacrifice my soul for you, but I would create a space in my heart and my world for only us to experience. I would make a moment in time for us to live in and experience each other in a new and perhaps even poetic way. You're not my "one true love" and I'm not madly infatuated with you... yet your essence lingers in my mind and heart, though it has been long days since I've seen you.

I wish I could tell you this, but my jaded mind and heart tell me it would be a mistake. I wish we could take walks and sing songs and dream dreams... but for now there seems to not be room in your life for me. If I could I'd create a place out of time where we could visit and learn each other's secrets and stories. What are you doing at this moment? Are you still awake like me?

Soon I'll sleep, and dream again. I don't know if I will dream of you, but I both hope to and hope that I will not. So, maybe we can only be friends right now. In the meantime, I hope that it's all right to dream about you. Maybe you'll even dream about me. 


  1. Brilliant piece here, Steve! Makes me smile reading it, especially since I just had a wonderful dream about a girl in the same manner last night as well. No idea if she was someone I had already met, or one I have yet to meet, or if she was just someone my mind made up, but she was sweet and very understanding. Definitely one for the memory banks, and I wouldn't mind if there was a "Next Episode" or serial feature to it... though I'm not holding my breath.

    I wish that dreams and poems weren't frowned upon these days either.


  2. Wow it's nice

  3. great post..thanks to share this one.

  4. it's realy great post
