Friday, October 28, 2011

Why you should EXCITING date ADVENTURE Steve ROMANCE Racer! (part 2)

As I said a couple blog entries ago, I was told my other entry on why you (yes, you!) should date me made me look kind of boring. I can see that now. I mean I basically mentioned how I didn't suck and won't cheat or be mean or do all that annoying crap that your ex did last time, but that's not really a reason for you to get excited.

So. Prepare to... get excited!!

Live a Life Less Ordinary...

What do you want to do with your life? Do you have big dreams? I do. I dream of having a partner, a team-mate to have great crazy adventures with. Whether it is going to conventions all over the country, or live action role playing adventures, to just driving around with no particular place to go... I like to live life, and with a passion. We could swordfight until we no longer could stand then collapse in each other's arms for a kiss. We could create new worlds and dreams together. Sing, and laugh, and run, and even fly...

Live a Life Extraordinary with me...

Every moment can be precious. Even things as simple as a breeze, a song, a flower... these all can be treasured. It doesn't have to be some super amazing unique expensive trip to be an adventure, even just a walk in the trees is an adventure when your mind is full of wonder and imagination. It's also true that somehow  I'm a magnet for unusual experiences, strange and unlikely things just seem to happen in my life. Let me tell you this: it's never boring.

Making Dreams

Right now I'm working on several film projects I wrote, including a fantasy book and movie series, as well as a sci-fi animation, and then there's my next book I'm writing and new music I'm working on too. I don't just sit around and game and eat twinkies... I'm makin' stuff happen! I also keep myself in great shape not only for the screen, but so I can be ready to take on whatever comes my way.

So, that's a little about my life. Really just a small slice. There's a lot more to me; for instance, the fact that I am ridiculous, and inappropriate, and also ridiculously inappropriate at times.

If you can't tell my outrageous sense of humor from this blog already, then well... I guess you can't tell my outrageous sense of humor from this blog. I suppose I'll have to work on that. Anyway, I also got feedback that I wasn't smiling much in the pictures I posted last time and could have probably maybe a little bit kinda looked like a psychopath. So, yeah, let me show you some pictures where I actually smile and stuff.

BTW, I like a lot of music, but mostly modern punk and 80's. I won a Carbon Leaf CD from a radio station and... hey, they're pretty cool.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ninja Turtles Stole My Girl

Blog has been hidden by request. Sorry! Read the other ones, mmmmkay?

Feel free to blame the Blue Gremlin of Fate.

Scary, ain't he?

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Song She Never Heard

I'm one of those sentimental people I suppose. I knew my DragonCon romance would slowly disappear, even though she texted me and said "I promise I will never do that!"

This really doesn't help me trust people. This moment requires an emoticon: -_-

Edit: that Youtube recording was terrible and I deleted it.

Anyway, I could tell she was slowly drifting away, for whatever reason, and so I wanted to give her a goodbye present for the great night we had together. When we went to Trader Vic's we got snazzy drinks in plastic cups (I know Richard, what was up with that??) My stirrer had a rock candy on the end and I'm not really so much into candy so I gave it to her. She liked it and had fun with it and so somehow I came to associate that with her... and that made me want to sing her the classic by The Archies, "Sugar, Sugar." I texted her and sent her the link, but she never said anything after that. I don't think she ever watched it. So, here it is for YOU to see, at least someone will hear it right?

As an ending note, thanks for the feedback on my last entry. Many of them were like, "That's nice Steve, but you sound boring." So, I'm going to write another blog on why you should date me! Aren't you thrilled? All five of you subscribers?? :) Yes? Hello? Echo....

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Why YOU Should Date Steve Racer!

So, a friend of mine who reads all these blogs said to me,

"You know Steve, I keep reading your blogs, and they are entertaining, but you really need to watch out that you don't come across as a #%#$@ whiner."

My response, "Um, uh, well I'm just trying to be honest."

Her, "Yeah. If you want anyone who reads this to actually like you, you have to give them some reason to. Tell them why they should date you."

Me, "You mean, I should make a list of how awesome I am?!"

Her, "..."

So, here you go, this is my blog about why you should date me. (Except you, Ashton Kutcher, please stop sending me those dirty texts.)

Steve Doesn't Do a Lot of Crappy Things That a Lot of Boys Do

I mean, this is a big reason right here. I talk to so many women all the time (who for some reason stay and put up with all this crap with their men) who elaborate on so many terrible things their boyfriends do. So, this is what I don't do:

* I don't yell, pretty much ever (except to be silly)
* I don't cheat (except at bingo)
* I don't manipulate or play games (except Dungeons and Dragons)
* I don't lie to you (except maybe about the size of your butt)
* I don't do mean things to hurt you (unless you're totally into that)

I've heard so many stories about guys who don't tell the truth, cheat, stare and drool at other women, and do things to make their girls feel bad to manipulate them. And women just accept this treatment! (Not all, but too many.) So, I'm here to say, I don't do that stuff. If you don't believe me you can a) try me, and b) talk to my close friends who know me.

Why Steve is a Good Boyfriend

I mean, you already know I'm into gaming, sci-fi, anime, cosplay, sword fighting, all that stuff. I'm a geek. So you get all that for free. But guess what ladies? I also do this stuff:

* Listen to you
* Remember what you say
* Buy or make special gifts and surprises
* Sing to you
* Have great personal hygiene! (I know, a man? )
* Compromise and work things out fairly
* Give a lot
* Explore your interests
* Am true to myself (I don't have a facade when you first meet me, I am who I am all the time.)
* Take care of my health
* Manly enough to rip phone books in half, while feminine enough to discuss different types of Hello Kitty
* Freakin' smart but not arrogant about it
* Affectionate (like a snuggly pet!)
* Experienced at quite a few different things

And there's a lot of other stuff that you'll just have to find out! And hey, the girl I met at DragonCon pretty much totally disappeared (as I predicted) so you should hurry in case she shows back up again! (Yeah, right. Take your time.)

Anyway, here's some other pictures of me, besides the main one in my profile.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

DragonCon Romance! a.k.a. Practice at Being Shot Down

All right, fine, I admit it. I really want one of those beautiful cosplay girls that everyone stops to take pictures of. Why shouldn't I? I mean, then I could cosplay with them and we could even have beautiful cosplay babies! (Note: Steve does not actually want to have babies.)

So, I went to DragonCon this year, for the first time in 4 years. I was broke, as usual, but hey, I'd already bought the ticket so my destiny was set! On Friday I dressed as a samurai, and had fun walking around the con. I did meet some nice girls wearing some Japanese outfits, and even a beautiful single mom named Karen. Hey that's right I got a picture with them. I'll post it if I don't look like an idiot.

Yay! It's Blurry! But Karen is pretty!
I actually liked Karen, you know, if I had a way to steal her and her kid (kids?) from Georgia I might have. But I suppose that wasn't to be. Well, Saturday came along, and I dressed as Nightwing. I went to a really big DC Universe photoshoot and there were a lot of gorgeous super hero women there. One of the prettiest ones was constantly mobbed by photographers. I tried to talk to her.

Me: "Hi, I..."
Guy comes up for picture and she poses.
Me: "My name's..."
Five other guys start taking pictures.
Me: "I really like your..."
She changes poses, ten more guys with cameras show up.
Me: "Ok, well, see you on facebook!"

And this was after the official shoot! I did actually get her facebook. But you know how THAT goes from my previous blog -- she has never talked to me. I'll just be shelved in the fanboy collection.

Speaking of being shelved, I met a girl who is perfect for me on (unnamed dating site) yesterday! I messaged her of course, and she got back online today! And.....didn't answer me at all. Here's stuff from her profile.

 I enjoy in random order: books (the real actual paper kind), rock/alternative music, food, reading, jokes, fantasy, dragons, Japanese anime, watermelon, NPR, strategy games, A Game of Thrones, 12 Stones, Staind, Lord of the Rings, The Name of the Wind, running, delicious noodles, Memento, Count of Monte Cristo, science fiction, seafood, green, traveling in Asia, Thailand, Lakers, rain, numbers, perfectly round items, elephants, pandas, a breeze, Breaking Benjamin, The Hunger Games, The Exies, Linkin Park, family, action movies, Egypt Central, Hinder, Gandalf, hobbits, playing tennis

I mean, come on! I just read Name of the Wind, I love Count of Monte Cristo, sci fi, freakin Breaking Benjamin even!

So, I just totally ruined my chances by sending her this (but it should amuse you right?*):

"Oh come on! I'm reading Name of the Wind it's even in my profile! (Ok I finished it and the 2nd book by now) And I play tennis! 

What else do you want? Free cookies with every date? 

I can do that. ;)" 

Anyway, back to DragonCon. On Saturday I decided to ask every beautiful cosplay girl I found attractive (or any girl really, cosplay or no) if she was single or not. (I didn't say "taken!") 

So, over the next few hours I asked nine women. The result: nine out of nine were not single. 

After I got to nine I was so depressed that I stopped asking. Until Sunday. Sunday I was piratey-ish. I don't know, I wore my sort of ren-fest dashing vest thing without sleeves. Anyway, so I went to the Pirate Party. I sat down next to a nice piratey lady who asked who my piratey persona was that evening. Since I didn't have one I quickly made one up and switched to my British accent. Well, this lady in red (Scarlet), utilized several eloquent vocabulary words in multiple sentences to clearly establish she wasn't interested in any piratey rogue such as myself. So I moved on. Wandering the party. 

Then I saw her. A beautiful also piratey-ish wench. I decided I'd keep my British accent and talk to her. (And I'd just like to add, people who deride my British accent, she said it took two minutes before she realized it wasn't real!) She smiled so much, and her eyes were so bright. I finally steeled myself to ask her the question. Single? Yes.

I was shocked. What? How can this be? Are you telling the truth? Yes, she said. And, after that, we spent the whole rest of the night together. She actually... enjoyed being with me. For me, it was the best night I had had in months. We talked, we walked, we had drinks with my friends, we wandered around and danced to people singing karaoke. Then, of course, reality came... she had to go home with her brother, I had to go back to my hotel room. I got her number. We texted the next day but weren't able to meet up. Then I flew away and was gone away from her... she also lives in Georgia.

Over the next few days we texted a good bit. She even called me once. About a week later, she just kind of stopped texting me. I remember I had told her I was going to kidnap her to L.A. She texted me once, "Still going to kidnap me?" Yes, I would have. I wonder if she will slowly disappear, like so many others? 

*Just to let you know, yes, I'm being very silly and sometimes over the top in the blog. But hey, it makes it more entertaining to read, right? 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

If Timing is Everything, I've Got Nothin'

Every once in a while you meet someone that is perfect for you. Someone amazing, that you'd get along with in every way. Someone beautiful, charming, with a smile and eyes that enchant you. And so far, with me, every one of those someones is already married.

Sure, you probably are wondering who these incredible ladies are but I certainly am not going to tell you here! Maybe if you privately message me I might give it away, but I'm not causing a commotion on the internet, oh no, not me, no sir, no way.

Some of them aren't married of course. They're just, you know, "taken." Oh, how I hate that word, taken. It makes them sound like they are an object, I think, but often the lady herself will use it. Taken. Not yours. Not now. Maybe not ever. (I'm not bitter, really.)

Recently there was a girl I had a huge crush on that was dating someone, and so I was very respectful and kept my distance and was just friendly. Apparently I kept my distance too much, because I found out a few weeks later that she had broken up and already had a new guy. Of course, they will probably last for years. I had a window, and didn't even know it. And this happens a lot with me. Timing. I'm always at the wrong time.

I propose that someone invent a "love watch" that goes off when it's the right time to meet someone, or call them. That would have saved me all those times, through all the years. I would also have designed it to tell me about those two girls I dated and fell for that were engaged to someone else and never told me. The watch would have said "WRONG TIME!" in big red flaming letters.

I saw a girl at DragonCon that I had met years ago at Animazement that I liked, but had a boyfriend at the time. I hadn't seen her for over five years. I asked her if she was single now, and she said, no, she just started dating a week ago, but before that had been single for five years. Do I have bad timing or what?

A "love watch" I found online. Not sure I like the "ice" part.
I told you about my experience on dating sites... I did get a date once with a girl on there I liked. She texted me the next day saying it was bad timing and she wasn't "emotionally available" right now. What does that even mean? Yes, I know usually my blogs on this site are more amusing and funny. This one is simply about how my timing and luck are incredibly horrendous.

You can at least take comfort that you're not me. Or, if you're one of those guys or girls who never asks anyone out because you're shy or afraid, let me tell you something: I still would rather have been turned down and dumped by a dozen girls than have never taken the chance. If you want love, you have to search for it, you have to work for it, you have to fight for it.

Note: I've been to DragonCon recently and have a blog just about that coming up! Also, another one is brewing in my head so stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dating Sites Are Not For Nerds

I was going to title this blog, "Normal girls are boring", but then I thought it might offend some normal girls so I didn't type that.

So, I'm on one of those BIG dating sites because, well, I figure this is LOS ANGELES and there are around TEN MILLION people in this area, and so even on a "normal person" dating site, there'd have to be some geek girls, right? Well, yes, there are. I'd say about three. 

Unfortunately, all three of them apparently found dates because they don't answer my messages. That's the only possible reason of course because if they saw how perfect I was for them they would of course answer my message right away and probably do a small dance around their swivel chair in their nerdy room while wearing their Harry Potter pajamas. But, alas, there was no dancing today. Or last week. Or last month.

Apparently, this world is full of terribly normal people. Now look, I don't hate normal people, I love them. But there's just way too damn many of them. We need some more variety. I'm going to give you a sample of some profiles from my big unnamed-in-this-blog dating site:

I love riding my bike on the weekends, going to the beach, going to the farmer's market, entertaining friends, going dancing, reading, exercising, music, going out for drinks/dinner 
I am down to earth. Love to travel when possible. A huge baseball fan. Love my NY Yankees. 
 I enjoy socializing and I love working out – and am an avid yoga student, hike in Runyon Canyon, and love a Saturday morning bike ride in Santa Monica (farmer’s market anyone?).
im open fun ouitgoing just looking to see whats out there and and have fun. i love to fish and be doing things. im a low maintiance girl. i love to eat try to new food really alot of fun. i also love amuzements parks!!!
 I enjoy a good conversation about as much as I enjoy cuddling on the couch watching a movie, or a good tv show. My favorite things to do can revolve around the beach: reading a book, taking a nap, swimming in the ocean, and just watching the ocean
Imagine reading about a hundred of these types of profiles a day and you'll probably do what I do: break down into a crying heap on top of your Harry Potter pajamas. If only I loved the farmers market and the beach I'd be everyone's perfect match. (Except maybe that Yankees girl.) 

So, sometimes I get optimistic and search for key terms like "anime". That gets me about a dozen results. All of them are 18 years old. Once, I went crazy and typed in "LARP." 0 results. After that I couldn't use my computer for a day.

Well, I paid for three months membership on the site. Two months down, one to go. Maybe my geek girl will sign up before my last 30 days? Anyway, if you don't see me online in the next week or so, just look for me at the farmer's market.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fishing Facebook for Femme Fatale Fangirls

I have to admit it, I'm a sucker for cosplay girls. If I see a pretty girl in a nice dress, yes, that's nice. But if I see a pretty girl dressed like SUPERWOMAN, that's when I get those shivers down my spine. (For some reason, goth girls have the same effect on me, but that's not the point...)

So lately there's this crazy trend for people to create "Cosplay" accounts on Facebook. Have you seen this? They use their fan name and add Cosplay as the last name. Like, I don't know... "Sparkly Twinkletoes Cosplay." I guess when cosplay is that important, you need an entire second account to manage all of it! (Should cosplay be that important? Don't ask me: see your therapist.)

So, I just have to say, It's totally not my fault that Facebook keeps suggesting all of these cute cosplay girls as my friends. I mean, Facebook must know something. How can I go against the will of the almighty Zuckerberg? So, I send them a request with a nice message. These are the usual results:

1) They ignore it

2) They add me because they are collecting cute fanboys

3) They add me and never, ever talk to me

4) They ignore it

Last night a Batman fangirl added me. I posted something on her wall and got an immediate post back on my wall. I must share this with you.

Now, I like sassy girls. But I have to wonder if all the attention she gets goes to her head? Hey, at least she added me to her fanboy collection! (Should I be disappointed that she said "your" instead of "you're"?) Little does she know I'm about to be a famous movie star when Broken Spirits comes out this winter! Ha! (Ok, that was a little sad.)

Speaking of sad, I'm still quite morose that that blonde Supergirl cosplayer in Florida never added me. Oh well. Maybe next time.

So, what do you think? Will I actually be able to meet a wonderful, single fan girl on Facebook? Or should I just give up on this idea and try other things that also are failing miserably for me? Let me know, my two blog subscribers. Let me know.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Staying in Reality while living in Wonderland

I've done some pretty stupid things at conventions.

No, really.

Yes, I know you probably have too. There's something about being at a convention that makes you feel like you've checked out of reality into fantasy. More than once I have met a girl at a convention, and, I am embarrassed to admit this: told her I loved her right then.

Yes, on the very first day I met this gorgeous fan girl, I confessed my love for this beautiful stranger. Why would I do such a thing? I think we all can get lost in the moment, in the fantasy, in the whole fan world... I lost my head and my heart. Let me tell you how it went...

The first time I didn't exactly say "I love you," I guess I was just warming up. I was in line for something at my first convention ever; I was seventeen. A gossamer angel walked by in a flowing pink and blue princess dress. She was a vision from heaven. I literally fell to my knees as she passed. (Hey, I was seventeen!) I went up to her later when I saw her again and kneeled, kissed her hand and told her, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." The scary thing? I actually meant it.

Later on at the convention I was spying on her behind a pillar as she talked to a male friend, she said, "Hey, I've got a little slave boy to play with tonight. I think he will do anything I want." That shattered the illusion a little bit. But even then I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt... maybe it was some other desperate slave boy?

It wasn't.

I was willing to let her play with me, and she did. I followed her around, got her things... and when it was time for her to sleep, she tossed me away. The next time it went a little bit better: an amazing Priss cosplayer from Blade Runner was at a con I go to, and I went straight to her. By the end of the night, I had told her, "I love you." She took me in, and I was her boyfriend for a little while. Except that she also had a fiance she didn't tell me about. One time I went to her place and slept in the bed with her. Just slept. She rested her head on my chest and slowly sighed off to sleep. This was the best moment of my life up until that point. The joy of sleeping, cradling someone you care about, feeling them alive and soft against you. It still is one of my greatest joys. She gave me that, at least. Then at Balticon, we got a room together at the hotel, and I came back the first night to find her in bed with another guy. She was polite and introduced me to him as they lay under the sheets. No, he wasn't her fiance either.

I did it again at a convention about three years later, and this girl had the proper response and ran away. Now, I have to tell you I certainly don't do this anymore, but I still feel the temptation, the pull to be in the fantasy world. Imagination is a beautiful and wonderful thing. It's a nice place to visit, but unfortunately, we can't live there.

Your relationships are going to go a lot better if they are grounded in reality, since, unfortunately, we are all stuck here in this often disappointing and tarnished place. So, hey, you should have a list. For instance, I have a list of things I need in a woman, and yes, some of them involve the fantasy and fun, but some don't. I'll give you mine as an example, since I know you're dying to know!

Steve's list for Geek Girlfriend

  • Playful and fun, likes to be silly
  • Can communicate problems, desires
  • Believes love is the same thing I do (giving of oneself)
  • Likes some of my fan interests
  • Shares similar moral and spiritual values (doesn't have to be exactly the same)
  • Outgoing enough to do conventions, LARP, Ren Faire (again, some is fine)
So, see, two out of my six are fan things, but four... aren't. It's important that you are going the same direction in life, with similar values... or your paths will diverge and therefore the relationship will end. Which happens sometimes anyway. But at least you won't doom yourself from the start by just picking someone because they are a hot cosplayer or watch Firefly with you every day. Also notice my list is flexible... I don't expect exact matches on things. Close enough is often good, since compromise is a big part of relationships (and I mean both people compromising!) 

Another thing that happens with too much fantasy is you fill in the parts of the person that you don't know with your favorite fantasy attributes, which also may lead to premature "I love you" syndrome. (Maybe I should start a clinic?) So, hold on to reality when you meet someone you like, and don't fill in the blanks with fantasy. It might just save you a lot of pain and heartbreak. Holding on to reality, especially at first, can help you find that dream person that will stay with you... and who will help fulfill your fantasies later in life. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Magnificent Maelstrom of Fan Boy/Girl Dating! (And other various hyperbole)

There I was. In my underwear, walking around Otakon. And no one noticed...

It didn't happen, but it's possible. Especially because I'm male. Yes, I said it. There's a difference between being a male fanboy and a female fangirl. (Look! He's being redundant already!)

Fangirl not wearing much clothes: 3,000 bois taking pictures of her.

Fanboy not wearing much clothes: ewwww, creeper.

"Wait," you might be thinking, "Who is this guy, anyway? Why am I reading this?"

I am Steve Racer: fanboy, voice and film actor, swordsman, and lifelong geek/gamer/nerd/cosplayer. And you're reading this because the Blue Gremlin of Fate compels you. (I'll post a pic of him in a later blog.)

So, yes, Virginia, there is a great difference between being a fanboy and a fangirl. Now, there's various types of both. Some of them smell funny. Anyway, this is my perspective as a fanboy, and what I have seen of fangirls, and even, crazily enough my advice for both. 

This blog could also be called, "What I Learned Not To Do When Dating Fangirls" but that would be longer and not as catchy as Full Metal Dating. (Don't sue me!)

Recently, I was at Anime Expo, promoting my film Broken Spirits, (AX is a sponsor of the film.) And of course, I had to cosplay. I made myself a 24-hour instant (just add water) Kamina costume (from Gurren Lagann!) I think maybe one person stopped to take my picture. But then I went to a photoshoot and met up with a Yoko (Kamina's love interest. You really should watch the show!) I walked around with Yoko after that.

I mean, I tried to walk. People were taking our picture every few feet. Sometimes I was even in frame!

The Anime Lovebirds
So we were a pretend couple for a while until she had to go change into costume number 396 for the weekend.

Fine, Steve Racer, but what is your POINT?

All right. My point, for this time is: as a fangirl, you usually will have quite a selection of fan guys to pick from. Almost every fan girl I ever meet that I'm interested in (for even a mere flash of a second) is already with someone. Now, I know that maybe in real life (like school, or work) you have trouble finding someone who understands you and at a con you feel like "OMG I'm the QUEEN OF THE BALL!" but what I'm saying is... hold out for someone good. That's all. You don't have to take the first guy that comes along, or even the second!

It's all well and good that he understands you and your fan interests and he's kind of cute and he actually showers sometimes but that does not a good relationship make. What about your values? (No, not your RPG stats.) Your beliefs? (Not your deity in WoW.) Your future plans? (Not "watching all of Bleach.")

What about a guy... who won't lie to you or cheat on you? Whose eyes don't wander at every skimpy costume that goes by? Those are things to look for, right? So, if you like a guy, talk to him about stuff other than fandom. Find out what he believes, but also watch what he does, how he treats others. Stalk him on the internet! Read everything he was dumb enough to make public!

So what if I'm a fanBOY huh?

Man, it sucks to be you.

Trust me, I know. What you can do though is be aware you have competition. There's got to be something about you that stands out, makes you special, to make her pick you above other fan boys. So, be an extraordinary male. Don't just cosplay, or write fanfiction, or whatever you do... do something awesome and unique. Be someone that has an exciting future and can bring something to someone's life besides your fandom, because all fanboys have that. So, hey, reach for the stars. Be amazing, and even if it doesn't land you a fangirl right away, guess what? You'll still be amazing.